Korte films

Meeting the other woman – Marieke Niestadt

Meeting the other woman is as much about love as about hate and unanswered questions about a relationship going terrible wrong. Joan Peterson (Amy Motta) finds out about Kimberly Stewart (Lotte Verbeek), the mistress of her husband, when he is killed by her in front of their home.

The devastating blow leaves her with unanswered questions about her life. Kimberley is sentenced to death for the murder of her husband and her execution is only an hour away when Joan tries, for a last time, to get answers about her love and her life.

Meeting the other woman

Marieke Niestadt

David Lambertson

Lotte Verbeek
Amy Motta

13 minuten

28 september 2019

Trailer of short film “Meeting the Other Woman” from Marieke Niestadt on Vimeo.

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