Shortcutz programma mei 2015
Shortcutz Amsterdam stelt filmmakers in staat om hun werk aan een internationaal publiek te tonen en in een kleine en informele omgeving in discussie te treden met filmliefhebbers en andere vakmensen uit de filmindustrie.
Elke dinsdag om 20.00 uur in De Kring in Amsterdam strijden twee films om de nominatie voor beste film van de maand. Daarnaast wordt ook een gastfilm vertoond. Na de voorstelling heeft het publiek de kans om in discussie te gaan met de filmmakers, producenten of de crew van de films.
Gasten en programma in de maand mei:
26 May | How to remove a blood stain directed by Lisette DonkerslootHow to remove a blood stain gives a brief glimpse into the life of a young woman with mild OCD. In her daily routine she acts throughout her own five basic rules. Through the window and the Internet her voyeuristic neighbor observes both digitally and physically the abnormal and deceptive behavior of the protagonist. How to remove a blood stain is a triptych in which the story of three sides is exposed which does not only manipulates the neighbor boy’s perception but will also initially misleads the active viewer. |
26 May | Mama Agatha directed by Fadi Hindash
Once a week, a group of migrant women in Amsterdam learn how to ride a bicycle. Inspiring them to let go of the fear and get behind the wheels is a Ghanaian community mother named Mama Agatha. As her students open up, Mama Agatha comes to terms with the painful memory of her own motherless childhood.
26 May | Glimp directed by Lucas Camps
All alone in her dead grandma’s old house, Saar finds a very unexpected friend.
Entree is gratis en toegankelijk voor iedereen. Iedere dinsdag om 20:00 uur.